Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Got hit with a blackout yesterday. The apartment went completely black and so did the street, neighbourhood and like 50000 other people around here. "Guess it's time for me to go to bed then" was my first thought. Because of the blackout, I slept in this morning. My alarm clock had somehow gotten the idea that it's still 12:00. Stupid Alarmclock! And why was it flashing ?

Well I enjoyed another enchanting busride to work today. The sun was shining... it was hot... I had to run to the bus... I was sweaty even as I stepped onto the bus. As I made my way to the back of the bus I soon realised 2 things: 1) that the bus was packed with people and 2) that the driver was trying out a new setting for the AC called "Barbecue". It was hot... and it smelled like something died in there. And being sweaty in a packed bus when you're a tall guy is generally not a good thing, since if you need to hold onto something your armpit is generally in the height of the some poor girls face.

Just as the temperature was reaching beelzebubian levels we reached my stop. I rushed out into the not-very-cool morningsun leaving drops of sweat as I ran to the next bus. Work felt oddly stimulating... it felt good. Not sure what I did right. Will investigate... will get back to you on that.

Well til next time...

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